Frank Dennis Rogers, the second of five children of Dennis and Mary Ann (Doody) Rogers, was
born November 9, 1891. His father would pass away after a long illness in 1903 when Frank was
eleven. At the time of his entering the military as a private on December 13, 1917 he was a
storekeeper residing in Wallingford, Conn., described as being of medium height, slender build,
with gray eyes and dark hair. He served in the 322 Motor Repair Unit reaching the rank of Sgt.
He was discharged July 16, 1919. Upon returning to the U.S. he worked at a variety of jobs. In
the 1920s he was employed as a foreman and as an assistant superintendent in the steel
department at R. Wallace & Sons. According to the 1930 Census he was an employment
manager. In 1950 he was supervisor of the steel division. On April 5, 1926 he married Helen
McGovern Lyons. Frank died in Rocky Hill, CT on February 15, 1978. Nellie passed away October
8, 1979 at the age of 92.
April 1918
Somewhere in France
Dear Mother:-
On land again and it seems very good.
I hope you received my card and letter.
We have a fine Y.M.C.A. here, some kind of an entertainment every night.
All that I’ve seen of the country so far mother is beautiful all concrete or stone buildings and
very clean.
The people all look fine and healthy nice red cheeks especially the children. The weather is fine
about the same as home I should say.
We have quite a long day it doesn’t get dark until about 9 P.M.
I’m feeling great and hope to continue.
So far I haven’t met any of the boys from home but it seems as though I ought to as you know
most of them are over here someplace.
No doubt you hear from Bill right along. I have written him a letter using the last address I knew
of so if there is any change in it let me know or you better let me know anyway to make sure.
Did Ray Grasser get home yet? I suppose Jim is getting busy with his machine now. I’ve only
seen two or three of that famous model so far. Is sis taking in all the dances or have they
stopped them yet?
Well mother I’ve written about all I can for now so I will close asking you all to write just as
often as you can.
With lots of love to all
Organization Park
June 2, 1918
St. Nazaire, France
Dear Mother:-
Just received your letter of April 29 th and I’m glad to hear you are finally getting my letters also
my allotment. I see you are getting sporty, riding to the shore. I’d like to have you take that
little cottage I’ll bet you’d enjoy it. The shore will be pretty quiet this year alright won’t they.
That was some letter Bill sent you. I hear from him pretty regular now & he seems to be OK. I
feel sorry for Germaine Luffberry she must have sailed before her bro, the major was killed.
How long had she been living in Boston?
The Doody’s are sure stepping some, both getting married is Anna going to marry the fellow
that was at our house last fall?
I’m glad Jim & C Heslin called on you I should think Jim would get tired of being at the same
place all the time & I guess his chances are pretty poor and leaving it too. I know I wouldn’t
want to miss what little I’ve already seen. I’m waiting for your picture mom & to hear how sis
made it in her new position.
I see Bill kind of rubbed it in on her as a “prima donna” tell her to cheer up the public got used
to Jim (ha ha).
Well mom I should’ve spent a fine day yesterday Leo Del Rosso and two of his friends came out
to see me we stayed around camp and all had supper together after supper we went to the city
& there met B. Bordleau so we sure had a Wall. day. 1
I went to mass in the city this a.m. the children are to receive their first communion or to be
confirmed I don’t know which but they were all dressed up the little girls for a long white
dresses to their shoes & long veils too. I guess that’s what you call them.
I see cousin Alice is getting to be some musician, well she wouldn’t be anything to me if she
wasn’t a good “singer” (Oh she wouldn’t?)
Well I guess that’s all the news I got so we’ll have to say so long for now with lots of love to all
Organization Park
Am. Ex Forces
June 21 st 18
St. Nazaire, France
Dear Mother:-
Just a few Lyons let you know I am well and happy as I really have nothing else to write about.
I’ve been holding off for a few days with hopes that I’d hear from you and have something to
answer but we’ve been having some luck on Mail for about two weeks. Ask Jim if he has looked
after my K of C dues. I didn’t think of them before I left. I’m getting to be a regular moving
picture of and now mother they show them at our Y.M. three nights a week the other nights
they either have a band concert or musicians from Paris or thereabouts, there has been some
wonderful orchestra and singers. I don’t know to the city occasionally and see Bordleau.
Last Sunday we went to the city and had quite a nice dinner steak, French fries & chocolate but
you can’t get any real bread at all there, unless we bring it we’re just out of luck. Hoping your all
fine and that sis & Jim are both satisfied with her new positions.
Organization Park
APO 701
AM Ex. Force
June 24, 1918
St. Nazaire, France
Dear Mother:-
I had pretty good luck last two days with mail, I read about nine letters & Mr. Leary’s card, will
write him in a few days.
First I want to tell you I had the pleasure of shaking hands with Ray Grasser yesterday & from all
accounts he followed my footsteps. I was with him all afternoon & evening & expect to be with
him tonight. He looks fine as ever.
I got Helen’s letter telling me she was to start in (illegible) & Jim’s telling me he had already
started I hope they both like it alright.
No doubt mom you enjoyed your visit from Ethel. I’m glad to hear she called. Did you have a
good time at Anna Doody’s wedding? Give her my congratulations. I got a fine letter from
(illegible) & (illegible) also.
Tell Jim mother, not to think he’s got to write every other day I sure realize how busy he must
be so let him write one long letter a week and I’ll be satisfied. Well mom I’m about caught up
again so will close with lots of love
Organization Park
APO 701
Am Ex F.
July 9 th 18
St. Nazaire, France
Dear Mother:-
I’ve been telling you about the dry spell we’ve been having, well I broke up last night sometime,
I know I woke up sometime during the night and I thought the roof of the barracks is going to
come down, believe me when it rains here it sure means it.
I am enclosing a picture of mom which if you hold in the sun looks as though I had smallpox but
I will share you that it’s only the fault of the photographers. I thought after I left illegible at
home my car troubles are over but no. Yesterday I had a job about 2 miles from camp so we
went to it be a Ford. Coming back I started to do Waterbury trick, this time the trouble was in
the gas tank, empty. After a 15 minute walk for gas we resumed a ride home. You can tell the
world I was glad that Jim was in the USA or he would have had another laugh.
I went to the city with Roy & a pal of his “Bill Rogers” from Mass.
I see by the paper last night that they promised us that our mail service, I hope it’s true as it is
now we only get mail about every two weeks.
I got a very nice letter from Mrs. Trauham(?) Last week and she told me that she had met you
at Ethels House. We had moving pictures at the Y again last night. I held his ladder up until after
dinner to see if I would get any mail, but no such luck.
Would love to all
Org Park
APO 701
Am. Ex. F.
Sept 23, 18
St Nazaire, France.
Dear Mom:-
Today was mail day but no mail, better luck tomorrow maybe.
My last letter I told you about meeting a friend of my Bunkies. Well he invited us out to supper
last Saturday night so we went and sure had a very good one.
The place we had it was pretty well out in the country it’s what’s called a (illegible) at home we
would call it an Inn. Any place you see a half dozen houses together you will find one or two of
those places. Especially no is wine etc. anyway this man arranged beforehand to have the
supper ready at a certain time for us to be served in a private room. All the private dining
rooms they have in those places to fry someone of a sleep until the supper is over with. They
just put the bed or in this case two beds to the wall and there you have a private dining room.
Talk about your beds out by when you stand up alongside of them the bedding reaches almost
to your shoulders. No carpet or paper on the wall and for window they knocked a hole about 1
ft square out of the wall no it was very clean. For supper we had egg omelettes, chicken, French
fried potatoes, salad & grapes. So you see though we are in the army we will “go out to dinner”
We had some day yesterday it poured all day. I went to mass in the morning Matt Ray had
dinner with him as his camp is much near the city than mine, it cleared up for about 10 min in
the afternoon so we started to take a walk, but I saw a perfectly good ride going right out to my
camp so I took it. Well mom I guess this is about all the news I got for today so close with lots of
love & kisses
Org Park
APO 701
Oct 8 th 18
St Nazaire, France.
Dear Mother:-
I received some great news yesterday direct from Bill.
A fellow from my camp met him by chance while he was on a trip he told me Bill looks fine and
has fine work he also said he was going to try and come here to see me when he gets his leave.
It will be great if he can manage it won’t it?
Oh yes he parted with his “mustache”.
Well mom the war news looks pretty good. Well I don’t think we will get home this week or
anything like that, I do think the end of it is not far away.
I don’t think my appetite has changed any since I left home, here is the supper we cooked up
for ourselves the other night. Four eggs frankfurters (those were American ha ha) fried
potatoes bread, jam and coffee. I should have said they cooked, because I’m about the same
kind of a cook I always was. We are having a little more rainy weather. It seems as though it has
to rain on a Sunday above all days. We have mass at the Y.M. am every Sunday now and it’s
mighty handy to. Well mom I guess this is all the news for today so will close with lots of love to
Org Park
A.P.O. 701
Am Ex F
- Likely a reference to Frank’s hometown of Wallingford, CT. ↩︎