1917 1918 1919 1920 George Pearson

George William Christopher Pearson

George William Christopher Pearson was born December 15, 1891 in Cullison, Kansas. Heworked as a grocery clerk at Farnsworth Mercantile in Cullison, and was described as being ofmedium height and build with gray eyes and black hair. He would enter Camp Funston, Kansason September 19, 1917 and become a member of Co H of the 353 regiment, which had beenorganized at Funston on September 5, 1917. On February 18, 1918 he would marry LaveniaIsabel Burns,…

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1917 1918 1919 1920 1930 John E. Hogan

John E. Hogan

John E. Hogan was born in Chicopee, MA on February 4, 1896. Katherine Carney, the daughterof John and Katherine (Collins) Carney was born in Peabody, MA around 1899. John served inCo B of the 8th Massachusetts Infantry. He would be recommended for discharge due to eyeproblems in October of 1917. However, his discharge papers would be misplaced and wouldstill be with the regiment when they moved to North Carolina in November. Sometime afterDecember 17th (his…

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